Mental Health

The Quest to Enjoy Short Weekend Trips

We just got back from a quick weekend getaway that we spent at our best friend’s house. What I love about quick trips like this is you don’t have to take time off work and in many ways, it feels like a mini-vacation.

We headed out Friday after work and came back late on Sunday, it does not seem long but it was time that we took to pull away from work and our day-to-day activities and time we took to relax and to have some fun.

Also staying with friends means we get to have fun together, experience new things together or just hang out. Sometimes we just need to get out of our norm so we can recharge.

I feel like we really need to have more little trips like this, we all need to make time to relax, to have fun, and to make new memories. We have a couple of other trips planned for this year but I still think we need to make time for other quick and inexpensive trips.

Making time for yourself away from your routine days can help to promote better mental health. I know that taking small trips like that makes me happy. Mostly because I can spend some uninterrupted time with my hubby, my family, or my friends.