Being Creative

The Quest to Build a Stargate… Continues With a Minor Setback

Even though it may seem like I have taken a step back on my Stargate build I feel like I am back on track again.

I ended up having some issues with the FlashForge 3D printer and thankfully I was still within my window to send it back for a refund, after spending months frustrated with 3D printers I decided I have had enough. Since I was almost done with the 3D printed elements anyhow I went ahead and outsourced them.

I also decided to make new sections (still splitting into 4 sections) for the Stargate out of sturdier material, my original idea of using foam core board was not a good one, the material was too thin and flimsy. I decided on using large sheets of insulation foam instead. not only is it thicker but the sheets are large enough that each of the four sections can be cut from one singly sheet. I had to puzzle it together from the foam core board which also made it not very sturdy.

I also picked up a Proxxon Thermocut to make cutting up all the foam easier, I also figured it would be a great tool for cutting foam in general as I tend to use a lot of craft foam for various projects. Anyway, I also still need to cut the foam for the backing for each of the glyphs, the Thermocut will make that so much easier on my hands and wrists.

It’s funny how things don’t always go as planned, I had originally thought that this would be a quick build and that I would get it done in no time but with life being busy, frustrations with the build that caused delays and I am nowhere near as done as I would have liked to be.

In fact, I had originally planned to have this completed by Halloween of last year. My new deadline is a lot more realistic considering that all my 3D printed elements are either all done or printed and on the way. I want to showcase it at Syfy Bartow next year and If possible get it done by Halloween this year.

I should be able to get the new sections cut out over the weekend, if I have time I’ll put them together. Then I can start attaching the 3D elements. Still so much left to do but I know it will look so awesome when it’s done.