Mental Health

The Quest to Spend Time with Loved Ones

Today was a wonderful day, not just because it was Saturday and not just because I got to work on my Stargate today but because today we were able to spend some time with family we have not seen since before the start of the pandemic.

Being able to finally all get together during more joyous times made the visit all the sweeter as the last time we all met we were mourning the passing of one of my husband’s uncles. Between that sad time and the start of the pandemic the last two and half years have been rough for my husband’s family.

Being with them all today was a breath of fresh air, everyone was happy and so full of joy as we chatted, reminisced, and laughed with each other. Everyone seemed so upbeat and I hope that the memories of today will linger and continue to provide them joy in the months ahead.

Hopefully, this will also be the start of many times that we can all get together to be with each other and to enjoy happier times.