Being Creative

The Quest to Build a Stargate…Chevron 5 Encoded…

Even though getting all the 3D elements printed took longer than I had anticipated and I scrapped the original ring sections in lieu of something thicker and sturdier I feel like I am really back on track to get the Stargate completed.

Yesterday I completed adding the metal brackets that will allow me to attach all four ring sections together, each bracket will use 4 screws and each section has a total of 2 brackets on each end for a total of 4 per section, so each section will be held by a total of eight two-inch screws at each end for a total of 32 screws.

Today I marked the sections so I had a guide for attaching all the 3D elements and I started with the easiest ones, the glyphs, I was able to get all 39 of them on before I decided to call it a day. Tomorrow I plan to get as much completed as I can as the next few weeks will be intensely busy with work.

I think I’m at a point though where things with the Stargate will be moving a lot quicker, I may even finish getting all the 3D elements attached tomorrow, and then the next step will be sealing and painting.