Being Creative

The Quest to Build a Stargate…Chevron 6 Will Not Engage…

Chevron 6 would have encoded today on my Stargate build but as I began working on the last section I quickly realized that I would not have enough of the small elements left to finish off that section, so I’m now trying to decide what will be my best option to finish off those pieces.

since I no longer have a 3D printer I would have to outsource if I want to stick to the same PLA material that the other pieces are at and price rates for outsourcing fluctuate and at the moment it’s a bit high to be cost-effective. There is of course the option to pick up another 3D printer but I really do not want to go down that rabbit hole again.

Some suggested I make silicone molds and then cast the pieces with resin. This does sound intriguing, I have used craft store products to make molds in the past and this may be a more cost-effective way to go especially since I have a ton of resin and all I would need is the products to make the molds. This may also not take as long as 3D printing everything myself.

Definitely some food for thought, I feel like I once again need to be patient on this build even when there is now an end in sight.