Mental Health-


The Quest to Not Let Work and Other Things Frustrate Us

Today has not been the greatest of days for either myself or my husband. We seem to have been dealing with various frustrations and annoyances with work today and on top of all that, my husband’s websites for our little production company have gone awry.

I’m also a bit sad because it seems the little baby bunnies have decided to move on, I know they would not hang around forever but I had hoped I could see them another couple of days before they did.

During one of our walks earlier today we decided to have a nice night filled with things that make us happy in the hopes that we can forget the frustrations of the day. So we will be having some comfort food for dinner, have some dessert and wine for after, and spend the evening watching one of our favorite shows that always makes us laugh and brings a smile to our faces because it is so wholesome.

We all have days like today where things out of control happen to derail whatever we planned to do for the day, I have also noticed that on days like today when I get frustrated and sad my motivation just flies right out the window.

At the end of the day, the world will not end because I did not have one productive day, I have learned that even when you make plans life can come in and say Nah!