Today was a wonderful day, I had the day off and I decided that I would spend the day doing things that made me happy. Although I did spend part of the morning adulting (paying some bills) I decided to spend the rest of the day working on the Pinot’s Palette paintings that I had ordered months ago.
Thankfully the paint that was provided had not dried up, I ended up steering away from the video tutorial as the image felt a little too childish for me and decided to instead experiment with the acrylics and make the picture my own.
For the second picture, I did stick to the tutorial video as it was a good teaching tool for how to paint ocean waves and a shoreline. I also learned some new techniques for painting galaxies which I hope I can incorporate into other pictures.
After I was done with both paintings I was pretty tired but pleased with my work, I’m hoping to get back to oil painting again when I have time. Painting with oils will allow me to better blend the colors. Acrylics are great but they dry to quickly.