Mental Health

The Quest to Not See Failures in Our Past but Find Joy

Today’s work was quiet, which was a nice reprieve as I know it will be busy tomorrow. I had time today to relax and rest. I actually spent most of it playing my Lord of the Rings video game.

I was also reminded today about the value of Joy, our society says that if you started a hobby and then at some point you decide to stop doing it then you failed at it. Or if you were in a relationship that then ended it failed. If you quit a job you failed.

Life is never about failure it’s about enjoying things, and when things come to end for whatever reason it’s all about remembering the joy we felt. Hobbies come and go but if they brought you joy then it was time well spent.

I think if we approach our lives in this way we will feel more blessed. A good example is our favorite fandoms, when I was younger I used to be obsessed with an anime called Sailor Moon, I have since moved on from the magical girl genre but I still remember the love and joy that show brought me.

I even remember spending much of my hard-earned cash as a teenager on every bit of Sailor Moon merchandise I could find. I don’t even own a quarter of those items anymore but I still think about them fondly and remember the joy those items brought me.

I did not have many friendships when I was young and although those friendships have ended or dwindled I still think about them with joy.

Those who think of failure all of the time are people who do not know how to bring joy into their lives. As we learn from our past we should also take joy in it.