
The Quest to Start Our Vacation

This is it folks the Trip we have been waiting for ever since we first heard about the Galactic Starcruiser, Although we do not check in to the ship until tomorrow we started the trip by having a relaxing day with our best friends who will be traveling with us.

Work and our personal lives has been so busy lately that this vacation will be a much needed respite, just need a break from our meetings, our projects and our surroundings. For my hubby it’s been none stop meetings and work while for me it’s been the stress of having to return to the office after two years. Even our weekends have been busy most of the time as we end up using that time to catch up on other tasks.

We begin our trip by hopefully taking it easy as our itineraries onboard the Halcyon will be jammed packed with many fun and awesome activities.

After the Galactic cruise we will be visiting some of our favorite parks at Walt Disney World but will be taking it easy and leisurely. We will just be enjoying our surroundings and enjoying the company of our best friends.