
The Quest to Add More Art Projects to My To-Do List

Although today I was in the office and I even had a bit of anxiety earlier in the day, I was pretty positive and happy today. Yes, I missed my husband today but I was grateful that work was busy and productive and before I knew it it was time to go home.

This may be a short post today as I feel like I don’t really have a lot to talk about. One thing that did make me happy was finding out that one of my Kickstarter for tabletop gaming shipped and it should be getting it soon.

The reason this makes me really happy is because it’s tabletop terrain that I will get to paint, so I am already getting ready by stocking up some primer. I have a ton of new Army paints that I plan on using including a new airbrush that I have been itching to learn how to use.

Of course, this is just another project to add to the list of things I am working on. I still need to finish up the Stargate build, wrap up my Haunted Mansion dollhouse and work on a few other projects.