Mental Health

The Quest to Scribe More Frequently

I know I haven’t been posting as regularly as I used to and although I will try to post more than I have been I think posting every day isn’t great. Partly because there are some days I may not have anything I need to say and I highly doubt all of you are interested in how my day at the office went.

With that said the past few weeks have been busy but I have also taken time to slow down a bit, relax and rest. Between the Haunted Mansion Dollhouse project, putting up the Gazebo, and work being busy in July the time to rest and recharge was very welcome.

Things are starting to ramp up again as we now start to prepare for our annual pilgrimage to Dragon Con. Thankfully I have no new costumes I’m making this year which is a blessing. We also received our schedules for the panels we need to be on and they are a bit light this year which will also be welcome.

I’m going to continue to not go hardcore with projects for the next few weeks as I do want to be well rested for Dragon Con, but I will be sharing some happy moments as the Football season starts back up again, we have upcoming trips and I am also going to hopefully be wrapping up the Stargate soon.

As for my posts, I just don’t want my blog to turn into that here is what I did today kind of post, even though I’m sure there will be times that things I do may tie into the purpose of my happiness journey but I don’t want to be the here is what I ate today, I went on a walk, I went to the office.

I still journal every single day and I still focus daily on the things that make me happy and bring me joy but not all of that translate well into a blog posting. I do want quality over quantity which means I may not post every day.