Being Creative

The Quest to Build A Stargate…The Gate Has Power!

Yesterday was a long day but I got lights into all 7 of the Chevrons (The two on the bottom will not be lit). It took me longer than I thought it would but as I added the lights to each of the Chevrons I was becoming happier and happier.

Once it was done I went through the sequence (which is currently manually accomplished via iPhone apps) once and was so happy to see the Stargate finally come alive after almost a year of me working on it.

It has been quite a journey with this build, from deciding that I was going to do it to actually starting to do it in September of last year, my go big or go home mentality shifting into high gear once again.

Even though the lights are not currently programmed to run automatically I did at least connect them all too smart plugs so I could manipulate them through an app. I still plan on programming them using computer coding and a Rasberry Pi but I decided to take the time and learn how to code and then upgrade the gate later.

I only have a few minor items that need to be completed before the gate will be 100% finished and i am hoping to get it done in the next few days.