
The Quest to Get Excited for Convention of Dragons

We will be leaving for Dragon Con in a couple of days and I am all sorts of excited, we are already packed, events have been planned and confirmed, and probably overscheduled on all the things we want to do. It has always been such an exciting time when we go to Dragon Con, it’s the only time of year where it feels like my days never stop with the amount of activity but it’s also relaxing.

It’s relaxing because everything we see and do there is 100% fun, between the shopping, panels, and people-watching the fun never ends, aside from a few hard-coded events everything else is usually pretty fluid.

I even decided to make some last-minute swag to hand out during the convention. I’ve also been doing some other small craft projects the last couple of days. Even though I’m working today and tomorrow I am already on vacation mode and so excited to get the ball rolling.

Best of all is seeing all of our friends, so for everyone traveling to Dragon con, can’t wait to see you all. Stay safe.