Well, I can finally call the Stargate 100% complete.
Although it seemed like I had wrapped it up there were still some minor details to finish up and one amazing detail that I was able to complete while we were at Dragon Con.
I remember when Stargate SG1 premiered how much I loved the show, I had a dream for almost two decades to not only build my own Stargate but have it signed by Michael Shanks (Dr. Daniel Jackson himself). I remember back in the day when social media was still in its infancy seeing images of a Stargate that was made by someone and signed by Michael Shanks.
I had always wanted to have my own Stargate and I never thought that when I started my build about this time last year I would ever have an opportunity to have my Stargate signed by Michael Shanks. As soon as Michael Shanks was announced as a guest at Dragon Con I knew my moment had come.
I knew I could not bring my entire Stargate to the Con so I decided to pry off one of the glyphs and bring it for him to sign. Michael Shanks was a nice and also funny dude and I am so glad to have had the opportunity to meet him.
Now that it’s complete I will probably be moving on to whatever my next creative project will be. This is not the end of the Stargate, it will be making an appearance sometime next year so stay tuned.