
The Quest to Recap The Convention of Dragons

Now that we’ve had time to rest and recover from Dragon Con I can give you all a recap on how the convention went.

Our drive up was nice as we did not hit any bad traffic until we were in Downtown Atlanta and the weather driving up was really nice. We arrived at about 2 PM at our host hotel and felt like we were home.

While our overall experience at the con was really nice as always there were some things this year that felt a bit off. The convention last year was a different experience only because attendance was at half capacity. The host hotels did not feel as crowded as they typically do.

Although the convention this year was still not at full capacity the attendance was higher and by Friday night the crowds felt a little too much and getting around was difficult, on Saturday we avoided most of the high-traffic areas to ensure we were not frustrated by the crowds.

For the most part, our Host hotel of choice has always been the Hilton because it had a good balance between crowds and the party atmosphere while the Marriott tends to be a lot nosier and crowded. This year though management at the Hilton has been making some questionable choices, between removing furniture that has typically always been there to having an exclusive Dragon Con event that you had to pay for and is not worth the money.

Adding to that it felt like the hotel, in general, was experiencing many maintenance issues that became quite a huge problem.

In light of our experiences this year we have made the decision to try a different host hotel next year.

Some of the highlights of the convention included a Swag and Seek to meet up on Wednesday that was loads of fun, and made me glad I made some last-minute swag to bring to the con.

Thursday was another highlight as we went to our first ever ribbon meetup where for the first time we had our ribbons to trade and we left that meet-up with more ribbons than we have ever collected in past cons.

Friday was full of highlights, hitting the dealer room in the morning and getting our shopping done and I even made a big purchase for once instead of just saying next year. Followed by the Tolkien Photoshoot that I coordinated, I had hoped for at least 40 people and we had over 100 which made me really happy.

My panel on Friday was also really good and fun, to check out the panel click the below link.

My husband decided to cosplay for a little while Friday night but between the crowds and the heat we were not out for to long.

Saturday was not as busy and we decided to avoid the most crowded areas. We got our picture with Anson Mount and Ethan Peck from Star Trek Strange New Worlds and spent most of the day just wandering around. We checked out the Art Show, visited the Walk of Fame where I got to meet Michael Shanks and get our autographs and we even attended a few panels.

The highlight for Saturday was having a meetup with some of the group members from the Mission Halcyon FaceBook group that we created. I am hoping we can set up some other meetups in the future. Just hanging out and talking for a couple of hours was a ton of fun.

We ended the night by attending one of the Dragon Con parties called The Last Party On Alderan. It was nice to enjoy a party for once and not avoid it because I was dead on my feet.

My husband was also on a panel on Saturday and you can check it out here.

Sunday was also loads of fun, we got our picture with Michael Shanks and attended one of the Stargate Panels. We also finished going through the Art Show and also celebrated my Husband’s birthday. The day wrapped up with another highlight for me which was being able to participate in the Lantern Elves Procession which is something I had wanted to do for many years. I’m hoping I can post some pictures and videos of this later this week.