
The Quest to Ring In the Year of the Bunny

It’s not often that the Chinese Zodiac calendar falls on the year of the Rabbit, I hope that since it will be the year of the bunny I will have a lucky and prosperous year.

Although the last year had its amazing times and some bad times it was in the end a prosperous year. I gave myself some hard goals at the beginning of the year but I’m happy to say that for once in my life I stayed focused and accomplished more than even I imagined I would.

2022 Goals Review

Read more in our Library – Still need to do more of this

Start a Vlog for Happy Bunny Tales – Did not start a vlog but I have another project in the works for Happy Bunny Tales

Declutter and organize the house – I purged so much stuff and got the house organized.

Continue working towards being debt-free – I paid off 9 Dragons hoards in 2022

Purchase or find a way to make my own custom gaming table for tabletop gaming – This was going to be my near-impossible goal and I currently have a deposit down for a gaming table, on a waitlist.

Do some Landscaping in the yard – We landscaped the backyard, and added plant beds and a gazebo!

I was so happy because even my near-impossible goal is in progress. This year I will have some similar goals with a few new ones added in, more to come on that tomorrow. For now, I want to focus on taking stock of this past year. What did I accomplish? What can I improve on? How have my perspective and my priorities changed?