Mental Health-


Quest to Understand Grief…

As you may have noticed from my previous updates, this year has been quite overwhelming. While things are gradually settling down, they’re far from ideal. We still have significant plans to execute, ongoing health concerns for family members, and moments where I feel the weight of it all.

Taking each day and task as they come seems to be the best approach for me. I’ve come to accept that minor things might slip through the cracks, and that’s okay. Yet, despite being productive, I often feel like I’ve accomplished nothing because I’m haunted by the fear of forgetting something crucial when creating my To-Do List.

Additionally, there are days when the burden of grief weighs heavily on me, although these instances are becoming less frequent. It was my friend Allison who shared a video with me posted by a hospice nurse whose explanation on how to deal with grief is spot on. As we pass the six-month mark since our dear friend’s passing, I can attest to the relevance of her insights.

I’ve heard her book is exceptional, particularly for those navigating grief in personal or professional spheres. If you’re facing similar challenges, it might be worth exploring.