Mental Health

Don’t Feel Guilty if You are Lacking Motivation

With work being so busy the next couple of weeks it is hard to get any artwork done, I am really feeling the need to paint and to continue doing some painting courses but with so much work going on right now it is hard to block out some time to paint.

I also haven’t been feeling as motivated ever since SyFy Bartow in February, I think partly because I was in such a mad rush to complete some art pieces before the show that I felt a little burned out afterward. I am really hoping that after my work deliverables are done in a couple of weeks I can start feeling that motivation again.

And because I currently have no more shows lined up for the rest of the year I can focus on learning new things and working on other art projects without worrying about whether or not I have to prepare for a show. I even have some new Watercolor paint kits that I am looking forward to trying out.

I sometimes feel guilty when I go through periods where I don’t feel motivated, I feel like I’m wasting time that I could have been using to complete a task or learn something new. It’s in these times where I tend to watch more TV or play my video games more.

While I think I have a handle on knowing my limits and being more mindful about my body maybe next thing is to focus on being more mindful about my motivations and working on that feeling of guilt when I am not. I came across an article today that explains “It’s not about trying to increase your motivation so much as taking advantage of motivation when you do have it.”

What the quote tells me is that it is okay to not feel motivated and you should not force yourself to be more motivated. I think we all sometimes have triggers that can get us motivated and recognizing those can also be important. For example, If I watch an episode of Hoarders that really motivates me to clean.

On days you feel unmotivated just accept that for what it is, take on easier tasks or take time for yourself and relax. We should not have to feel guilty for these times.

If you want to read a little bit more about this check out the article below.