Mental Health-

Being Creative

Working with Watercolors… and About Having the Energy to Create.

I recently ordered some watercolor paint kits in order to really start learning how to paint with watercolor and I had so much fun with it today and I also learned a lot while painting. Though the kits will create a pre-determined image I am also looking forward to eventually creating my own original artwork.

I am also glad that I finally found some time this week to do some art and though I am looking forward to making more I was surprised and how much energy I spent making two watercolor pictures. At the end of the day, it’s not just about motivation and inspiration but also whether or not you have the energy to do what you want to do.

All you can do is be kind to yourself, If you feel like you’ve done what you could for the day then pat yourself on the back, rest, and move on to the next thing.