
The Quest to Get Things Done While I’m Motivated…

Since it had been a very long time since my husband and I spent an entire day out of the house like we did yesterday it is no surprise that we slept well last night and were a bit tired a sore this morning, we did do a lot more walking yesterday then we have been doing in the past year and it was also a bit hot out.

Even though my energy levels were not great today I still managed to finish cutting almost all of the fabric I need for my Lady Galadriel costume (With the exception of a few tiny pieces). I also did the laundry and it helped that I was able to get my work deliverables completed early.

So even though I was tired from all the exercise from the day before I still had a lot of motivation to get things completed today.

Of course, now I’m super beat. Time to play some video games…and watch My Little Pony.