
The Quest To Turn Monday into a Funday

Today was the first time in our history that my husband and I were able to enjoy a Tampa champinionship celebration in person.

We took the day off and went to see the boat parade for the Tampa Bay Lightning championship and it was fun and it was hot but we were happy and got to enjoy the event with other fans.

We didn’t get anything done today, didn’t work on any of our projects, do any chores, or run any errands. It was nice having a day where we just went out to have fun, we didn’t have to be anywhere, or any time. We just played the day by ear, enjoyed the boat parade, and then picked up some dinner on the way home and now we are watching Marvel Agents of Shield while we enjoy our meal and some Mexican cokes with rum.

Not every day has to be a workday, we are allowed to play hooky once in a blue moon.