
Happy Anniversary!

This Sunday my husband and I will be celebrating our 18th wedding anniversary. I still remember our wedding day like it was yesterday, I had the fairytale wedding with a castle and everything. 18 years later and I think out love and relationship has only grown more and closer, I can’t even stand being away from him for too long or else I start missing him.

We finish each other’s sentences and it’s uncanny how our thoughts are almost always aligned. I know it may be cliche to say it but I truly believe that we are soul mates, we will be that old couple walking down the street still reminiscing about our wedding day still as deeply in love as the day we met.

We do just about everything together and never get tired of being in each other’s company. I can’t imagine going on vacation without him and recently had to go several days without seeing him and that was miserable.

The best part is that I know he feels the exact same way about me.

This year my husband made me something very special. He’s been trying to teach himself music theory and composition and the first piece he created was for me.