Mental Health

The Quest to Be Grateful for My Soulmate

As cliche as it may sound, I do believe my husband is my soulmate. He is my best friend and literally the person who completes me.

Today is a good example of why I love him so much. Today I had a routine medical exam, an exam that is panic-inducing for me and he knows it. When it comes to this routine exam he will always make sure to make time for me so he can come with me, hold my hand, keep me calm and always be there to support me. I hope no one takes offense to my comment but I kind of think of him as my support animal.

My husband always knows how to make me feel better when I am anxious or depressed. He always knows how to help me when I’m frustrated and is always on top of me to make sure I am taking care of myself.

I honestly cannot imagine my life without him, we do absolutely everything together and even miss each other in the same house if we are working in separate rooms. Cheesy I know but it’s actually true.

Even more, is how he always pushes me to do my best. He is always encouraging me to be more creative and to take my artistic and creative skills to the next level. He is always making me feel confident in myself.

Best of all is how he helps me to become a happier person.

He of course is one of the things that makes me very happy every day.