
Star Wars!

I honestly can’t remember when was the first time I saw Star Wars: A New Hope. It wasn’t in theaters as I was only born in late 1977. I don’t recall ever seeing Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi in theaters. But even without the theater experience, I grew up watching the Star Wars films always enthralled. Here was a universe filled with Science fiction, Fantasy and Romance. Everything a nerd could ever want.

It introduced me to the overall world of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, it had me searching the racks of our local VHS rental stores for anything I could get my hands on. Movies like Blade Runner, Logan’s run and This Island Earth. Or Fantasy films like Willow, Red Sonja, and Conan. In the end though after scouring all the racks for everything they had I always went back to Star Wars. I never tire of watching the films.

As a child, I always wanted my own lightsaber and to travel through outer space to other worlds. As we close now on the decade and enter 2020 so many things in the news tells us these things may be possible someday, who knows maybe even in my lifetime but in the meantime thanks to the Imagineers at Walt Disney World I feel like I can finally immerse myself in a world that I have always dreamt of being in.

With the opening of Star Wars Galaxies Edge, I can walk the streets of another world, fly the Millennium Falcon and even begin my journey to become a Jedi. My experiences thus far since it’s opening in August has been one of the happiest moments in my Geek history.

We were able to take part in the Annual pass holder preview in August and instantly fell in love with the level of detail that Disney created. Once you step through the tunnel you are on a whole other planet. From every doorway and shop, you truly feel like you are in an alien marketplace. You step around every corner and see ships and droids. There is such a sense of immersion that you can lose yourself there (Not in a bad way). Reconnect yourself in a way that reminds you why you loved those films in the first place.

Since August we have visited a few more times and with each new time, you notice new things, The Rebel soldier making her way through the market place, the stormtroopers and even Kylo Ren searching for Rebel spies. Rey also making her way through the outpost looking for Chewie. It’s these details that make the land all the more real. It’s seeing a First Order officer and hoping he doesn’t see you.

It’s starting your Jedi Journey by entering Savi’s workshop and building your own lightsaber, for some it might be another tourist attraction for others like me it takes on a more deeper meaning as you choose the saber parts and your kyber crystal. I will freely admit that I cried during the entire experience as it took me on a spiritual journey that I have dreamed about since a child. Just another way Disney has allowed us to immerse ourselves in the Star Wars Universe.

There’s also the Droid Shop, the Marketplace, Oga’s Cantina and Dok Ondars Den of Antiquities filled with the most marvelous treasures ever to be found on this side of the galaxy. (Of course, I have a wish list). Each shop, each bar or restaurant just adds to the ambiance of the place. As you walk through the land you can even hear the distant sounds of ships landing and taking off.

And then if all that was not enough to immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe Disney just opened Rise of the Resistance their latest attraction only found in Galaxies edge.

Spoilers ahead, so if you have not had the pleasure of riding the new attraction go no further…

The new attraction has blown my mind in a way no other attraction has ever had. The mix of technology and illusion that Disney has developed has allowed for an experience unlike anything ever imagined. Walt Disney would be proud of the level of magic that was used for this.

The experience starts with you entering the bowels of a rebel base, a base that will be about to evacuate as the First Order is closing in. Never from the moment you enter the line do you feel like you are on an attraction. From the moment the preshow starts to the end of the ride was a huge rollercoaster that keeps you in such awe that you truly feel that you stepped onto the set of a Star Wars film. In most rides the reshow sets up the story for the coming ride, in this case, the preshow is part of the ride and frankly one of my favorite parts of the whole experience.

Here is where the spoilers come in… You actual exit the rebel base and go outside only to board a transport ship about to take off to escape the First Order, you get on the transport and after you take off a battle ensues, your ship gets caught in a tractor beam and you are pulled into a First Order ship and when you go out the same doors you came in through you are now standing in the hangar bay of a First Order cruiser surrounded by stormtroopers.

And that folks is only the Preshow!!! I won’t spoil the rest of it for you but needless to say, Star Wars Galaxies Edge has officially become one of my new happy places.

Oh and if all that was not enough there is a fully immersive Star Wars hotel coming soon. God help my bank account.