
The Quest to Ride the Happiness High

Today is one of those rare days where I feel really happy and it almost feels euphoric. There are reasons why I’m happy most of them tiny little things but I feel like I am riding on a Happy High today.

Of all the things that made me really happy today what made me the happiest is asking my husband’s opinion about something that was boggling me a bit and we had a great discussion that really helped me make a few decisions that I’ve been thinking about for last few weeks.

It makes me happy that through his suggestions and thoughts I was able to get over a hurdle that was bugging me. I had hesitated to talk to him for a few days because I was afraid that I was going to annoy him.

One of my biggest problems is I tend to be a dog with a bone. I know that one of my faults is that I will talk something to death and have been known to annoy when I can’t seem to drop a subject. While other people have already reached their logical end to a discussion I keep talking about it.

But I digress, I’m riding a Happiness High Today, it’s the end of September and tomorrow is October 1st, even though Spooky season already started for me Something in my mind and heart changes when October 1st hits. I feel energized and more alive.