Mental Health

The Quest to Savor Your Victories

After receiving some good news at work this week, today was the day we decided to celebrate so we went to the movies and had dinner delivered from one of my favorite restaurants.

We have to take the time to celebrate our achievements, it’s our way to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done and to reflect on our journey and all the challenges we had to overcome.

We need to remember that we need to celebrate our victories even if for some of us those victories are small. For a person with depression, your victory might be just getting out of bed and taking a shower, for someone with a chronic illness it might be being able to get through a day pain-free. For a diabetic, it’s finally getting your blood sugar levels under control.

For some, it might finally be owning your own home and be paying off debt. For others, it might be an advancement in your career or that trip of a lifetime that you have been saving up for.

We all set our goals for so many different reasons but whatever those reasons are we need to savor the victories, we deserve to feel good for accomplishing our goals and overcoming the challenges.