
The Quest to Level Up On Bunny Power

We went out on three walks this morning even though the morning was gloomy, windy, cold, and damp. But we were rewarded with 4 bunny sightings which made braving the chilly morning worth it. Too bad, we had no photographic evidence.

I know it sounds silly but we do not see bunnies around the neighborhood every day on the days that we do as being extra special. I see it as a sign that we will have a good day.

We did have a good day, I had no meetings today, I was able to catch up on some of my work tasks, and even started watching a TV series that I used to watch all the time. I am not a girly girl, I don’t care about makeup or fancy jewelry and even though I have been known to buy designer once in a blue moon, at the end of the day it’s not really my thing.

Why am I mentioning this, I started rewatching America’s Next Top Model, I used to watch it religiously years ago and my time got overtaken by other things and now I decided to start a rewatch again. American’s Next Top Model was always a guilty pleasure of mine.

I remember when I was in High School I took an elective that was Fashion Design and for a very short while I thought maybe I wanted to do that as a career until I realized that I did not really care about fashion just in arts and crafts.