Being Creative

The Quest to Build a Stargate…Chevron 4 Encoded…

It’s official I now have all the 3D elements completed for the Stargate build, not only did the last of the glyphs arrive but I also cut out all the backplates for them out of craft foam and mounted all 39 of them.

The following are the remaining steps:

  • Cut our the ring sections. (Decided to redo them in a sturdier material)
  • Glue on all of the 3D printed elements
  • Add any electrical components. (have not figured out yet what I plan to do here)
  • Seal and paint the stargate
  • Create the PVC frame that will prop up the entire 9 foot gate.

My husband would also like for me to make a platform so folks can walk into the gate, I may have the right tools for that but I only have a hand saw so not sure if my physical limits will allow, I may have to outsource that part.