Mental Health-

Being Creative

The Quest to Feel Better and Be Productive

Today my aches and pains are a lot better, I’ll be honest yesterday I felt odd. Most days my lower back will hurt for a little while until the muscles release but yesterday my lower back muscles started to spasm and then the pain radiated out to my hips, my upper back, my neck, and shoulders. And to make it worse the pain just lingered the entire day until about the time I went to bed.

It was not as productive a day as I would have liked but I had no forks left to give early in the morning, physically I did as little as possible to allow my body to rest and try to relax. At the end of the day, I still had to deal with my day job, thankfully it had been a really quiet day with no meetings.

Today although was very productive. I finished cutting out all four of the Stargate sections and began putting them together. I’m taking this a step further in making sure it’s sturdy and using a stronger more permanent adhesive. The first set of sections had been put together with a hot glue gun and although it’s fast it isn’t necessarily the best adhesive to use on a project of this scope.

Of course, a change in adhesive means putting together the sections will take longer as I have to wait for the glue to dry in-between applications. I am ok with this delay as I would prefer to have a stronger and sturdier build than something that will break down over time.