Being Creative

The Quest to Get the Most Out of My Sunday

Today has been such a productive day.

My husband and I made sure we had no plans today and made a point to ensure that we did not have to go out for anything today so we had plenty of time and no excuses to catch up on our projects.

I was so happy to get to a point with my Stargate build that the four sections are almost complete. The next step is to put in the hardware that will allow me to attach all four of the sections together and I’m hoping I can get all of that done tomorrow.

I reinforced the interior with PVC, the adhesive I thought would work better than using my hot glue gun did not work out as I had hoped so I went back to my true and trusted method of using my hot glue gun and that seemed to do the trick. Using a hot glue gun can be tricksy but as long as temps outside don’t reach over 160 degrees then I should be ok. I also don’t really plan on bringing it outside all that much anyway.

I’m hoping that by the end of this week I’ll be able to start attaching the 3D printed elements.