Mental Health

The Quest to Flip the Switch…In More Ways Than One

I remember many years ago you could always predict two things would happen on the last day of September and the first day of October. First all my Halloween decorations would be put out and second the weather shifts from summer to autumn, Yes, even in Florida.

Over the years though I have put my Halloween decorations out earlier and earlier while summer tends to hold on later and later. While October still brought cooler temperatures it was still hot, humid, and rainy. Even last year during November we had record highs and it still felt like we were in summer.

I feared that this year would be more of the same. But with Hurricane Ian blowing through Florida the climate flipped a switch. For the first time in many years, the weather season flipped its switch and the storm broke us out of our summer pattern.

This morning we woke to a crisp 62 Degrees and as we stepped outside for a morning walk around the neighborhood we felt ourselves feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. It felt like a promise of things to come.

I always feel more joyful this time of year and there have been some years when the summer holds on to dear life that I struggle to find that happiness.

But as a result of Hurricane Ian, the Switch has been Flipped, not just in the weather but also in my state of mind. My mind is starting to go into overdrive with anticipation for upcoming trips and the holidays. But it’s also much more than that.

With the cooler weather comes the anticipation that I will have more energy, we will be able to enjoy the outdoors more, and even experience new things. I will just have to be mindful that with all this nice weather, renewed energy, and positive thinking I still have some physical healing that I need to do.