Happy Bunny Tales

A Year Since the Stars Aligned – Remembering Our Galactic Starcruiser Journey

Ta’bu e tay!! One year ago, on September 18th, 2023, my husband, our friends and I embarked on a journey we’ll never forget—a voyage aboard the Galactic Starcruiser. It was more than just an adventure; it was a life-changing experience that continues to shape who we are today.

That trip aboard the Halcyon didn’t just transport us to another galaxy, it transported us to a new mindset. The immersive world, the sense of wonder, and the connections we made reminded me how important it is to embrace life fully. That voyage reignited my passion for storytelling, creativity, and the magic of human connection. It was an unforgettable escape, but it also left a lasting impact that grounded me in ways I didn’t expect.

That trip was also the last time we saw our best friend Scott in person before he passed away. The memories we made together on the Halcyon are some of the most cherished ones I hold, and they carry even more weight now. Scott was part of that cosmic adventure with us, and it feels like a gift that our final memories with him are filled with laughter, exploration, and the pure joy of living in the moment.

Over the past year, we’ve found ways to keep the memory of the Halcyon and that trip alive through a community of like-minded friends. We share stories, relive the adventure, and keep Scott’s spirit alive by remembering how much fun we had together on that incredible journey. This community has become a source of healing and joy for us—a reminder that even when people are no longer with us, the memories and experiences we shared keep them close.

Since the closure of the Galactic Starcruiser, I’ve been amazed by how many incredible communities have formed to keep the spirit of the Halcyon alive. Fans have taken on ambitious projects to memorialize the experience, while others are diving deep into efforts to reverse-engineer parts of it. Some are using their creativity to craft beautiful art, replicate food/drinks or make intricate props, keeping the memories vivid and ever-present.

In less than three weeks, we’ll be attending a convention created by and for super fans, called Halcy-Con. It’s a celebration of the Galactic Starcruiser’s legacy, and we couldn’t be more excited to come together with this passionate community to share in this one-of-a-kind event!

Here’s to the Galactic Starcruiser, to the friends we made, to Scott, and to the journey that continues even after the ship has sailed. May the Stars Light Your Way. ✨

Some of my favorite memories of our journey.

  • Getting to wear my Bo Katan cosplay to the Starcruiser and into Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge @ Hollywood Studios.
  • Participating in giveaways with the other passangers.
  • Being part of a group of passengers who are all hard core Star Wars fans.
  • Lightsaber Training and following the Force story path.
  • Exploring Galaxy’s Edge with my best friend Scott.
  • Making memories with my friends.
  • Getting picked to be the Hyperspace family which got to send the ship into hyperspace.

2 thoughts on “A Year Since the Stars Aligned – Remembering Our Galactic Starcruiser Journey

  1. Rev. Christopher J. Kady, R.M.A.

    Words fail me. The experience we all got to share is one I will cherish for all my days. The magic is everywhere and it will continue to live within each of us so long as we believe! I didn’t get the chance to meet Scott personally, but I choose to believe he has become one with the force. The journey is not over. The force has no beginning and thus it has no ending. May he continue to echo in your hearts and minds until your path leads you to the other side!

    Fleet Admiral Jelakotis Kirran, late of the Grand Army of The Republic and the Jedi Order.

    1. amanet17

      Thank you for that, I also believe he is one with the force.

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