Happy Bunny Tales

How I Rekindled My Halloween Spirit

Let me start by giving a huge shout-out to my friends and family for helping me reignite my Halloween spirit this year. My mom spent the day tagging me in photos of my past decorations, which brought back great memories. My husband, on the other hand, not only took me on a trip to Home Depot to seek some spooky inspiration in their Halloween displays but also confessed that he relies on my Halloween enthusiasm to get excited for the season himself.

On Friday afternoon, I found myself putting up more Halloween decorations inside the house. I had thought I was done with the indoor setup, but it turns out there were still a few more spooky touches to add. I’ll admit, this year, I was feeling a bit lazy. Decorating had started to feel like a chore, and the Halloween spirit just wasn’t there for me. But once I added those final touches, the house really started to take on that eerie, festive vibe, and my excitement finally kicked in.

I even started looking forward to the weekend, when my husband and I planned to spend the morning setting up the yard decorations. Saturday started off warm with clear skies, which was a relief after all the rain we’d been getting this month. We managed to assemble a couple of new yard decorations, along with all the pieces we’ve collected over the years. While the yard is still a work in progress, most of the outdoor items are now proudly displayed. I’m happy to report that we’re the first house in the neighborhood with Halloween decor up!

There are still some finishing touches, special lighting effects and smaller decorations that we’ll save for another day, when my muscles are a little less sore. But for now, it feels like Halloween is finally coming together, and I’m enjoying the spirit of the season once again.

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