
So Much to Do So Little Time…

I’m sure we have all had one of those days, we wake up full of energy and feel ready to take on the world. We have our to-do list and we are determined to get through all of it.

But then one task takes longer than expected, other tasks that were not on your list pull you in because they have to get done, or you just simply run out of time or energy to get it all done.

Instead of getting frustrated or pushing yourself past your limits, you need to stop and reevaluate. What tasks do we have no choice but to complete today and what can wait till tomorrow or next week? Not completing your list is not a failure but a sign that maybe we are putting too much on ourselves.

Today for me work became busy and I had no time for chores or other things, but that is ok, I’ve already been pushing myself a little too much this week and maybe it’s time for a rest and to enjoy the weekend.