It feels so good to finally be creating again, I missed this so much and not really having space to craft for almost two years has been very rough.
And now with my DreamBox I finally have all my supplies out of the garage and all within my grasp with ample enough space to create. I purchased a Cricut machine back in August when it had gone on a rather good sale and only now got the chance to unbox it and finally use it. So for my first project on the machine, I made a decal Christmas tree. I was able to take advantage of Black Friday sales and I picked up some supplies and I can’t wait to see what other projects I can create with the Cricut machine.
I also have quite a few craft and art kits that I have collected over the past couple of years that I can finally get to. I will be posting more on that soon. The joy it has brought me to finally be able to organize my supplies and to start creating again is amazing.
I have such a large to-do list of projects that have been pending for so long, I almost don’t know where to start.