
Three Kings Day and a story

Today my family celebrates Epiphany or as we call it in my house Dia de Los Reyes (Three Kings Day)

In the bible, it signifies the story of the three wise kings who followed the star of Bethlehem to find the baby, Jesus. For me, as a child, it was essentially a second Christmas. In some countries, Christmas was no more than a religious holiday and things like Santa Claus or a Christmas tree were unheard of.

But Three Kings Day was the day most of these countries celebrated by giving each child three presents, each one representing one of the wise kings. My parents always ensured that even after we moved to the United States to continue with this tradition. Even now that I am in my 40’s and my mother now lives with us she still continues this tradition.

I want to share with you one of my favorite memories of Three Kings Day from when I was 15 years old.

As a young child, I never got into the habit of sleeping with a stuffed animal, whenever I tried they always ended up on the floor. The year I turned 15 was different though, on Three Kings Day among the three gifts was a teddy bear with grey and white fur. When I picked him up to hug him the way he was shaped felt like I was being hugged back.

And then my Dad told me a story about the teddy bear. A few weeks before there was a Christmas party where he worked and as part of the festivities, they had a raffle if your ticket was called you got to walk up to the gift table and choose a gift. The table was laden with electronics, kitchen appliances, and other miscellaneous items including the grey and white teddy bear.

My father’s name was one of the first to be called and he did not hesitate, he strode to the table without hesitation and went straight for the bear ignoring the higher valued gifts. His coworkers of course asked him why did you pick that over the electronics? His response was this is for my daughter.

As the raffle went on and the rest of the prizes were distributed the manager then pulled out an envelope. He said, “Under the flap of this envelope is written the name of one of the prizes that were randomly chosen, who ever chose that prize will win an additional prize that is in the envelope.”

When he opened the envelope everyone was astonished when the manager read off teddy bear. In the envelope was $100 in cash that my parents had used to buy presents for my brother and I that year.

And so my teddy bear had a name before he ever came to me as my dad had named him Lucky Bear. I still have Lucky Bear to this day and yes I now sleep with a stuffed animal, he even travels with me. Even though I am sure it has something to do with his shape but I also like to think it is a way to always keep my father close to my heart.