
My Rock Slowly Pounding Away at My Anxiety

Today I am very anxious, but with good reason. No thanks to COVID-19 we are living in a time of fear and uncertainty.

Yesterday while dealing with trying to obtain appointments for the 2nd dose of the vaccine for our high-risk seniors I ran into issues out of my control. Even though I knew it wasn’t my fault I still felt like it was my failure and I began to sob uncontrollably.

Always there, of course, was my rock, my husband who instead of getting annoyed at me for having a meltdown came to me to support me in the best way he could at the time which meant being there and telling me it would all be alright.

And so we went for a walk so I could clear my head, as the day progressed I was able to obtain one of the coveted appointments, today I hope to resolve the other appointment so I can put this quest to bed.

Today my anxiety is driven by the need to get both high-risk seniors in our home fully vaccinated, I need to know that they are both protected. I hope to finally resolve this once and for all so we can all sleep better at night.

My biggest takeaway from this is no matter how stressful a situation will be my husband will always be there to support me when I need him and to watch over me when the quest is really going sideways.

Featured picture credit: An amazing artist who is unfortunately no longer with us.