
The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Yesterday started out with so much stress and anxiety and ended up being one of the most amazing days ever. It felt like everything that needed to go right happened and then there was some icing on the cake with sprinkles.

It all started before we even left the house to go get the vaccines, received a call that my highly anticipated new glasses were ready for pick up.

Then left for the 2nd dose vaccine appointment for my mom and my Mother in law in tow. This is where the stress was coming in. I had been unsuccessful in obtaining the appt for my mother-in-law due to some technical issues and we hoped that if she came with us maybe they would allow her to get the shot since she had already received the 1st one in that same location.

Once we got there I was totally prepared to plead my case on why they should let her get the 2nd shot even if she didn’t have an appointment, they quickly came back with not a problem.

I just about cried and passed out, as I handed the lady the vaccine cards my hands trembled as all the stress and anxiety released. I was so prepared to have fight for her right to that 2nd dose but turns out I did not need to stress at all.

And now I am so relieved and I can sleep better at night knowing that my mom and mother in law are both fully vaccinated now and protected.

And then from there my day just got even better: The whole vaccine process took less than 30 minutes, We didn’t have to cook dinner and got to enjoy some take out, my tee turtle t-shirts I ordered came in, my best friend made the move to join me in playing Lord of the Rings Online, and to cap it all off I got rocket ship on my FitBit (This brings me a bit of joy).

What could have turned out to be an awful day ended so perfectly that I hope I can ride this Happy High for the rest of the week.