
Join the Adventure and Be the Hero of Your Own Story!

With the launch of the new Hero’s Journal Kickstarter today called Istoria Magic Academy I can’t help but blog today about the Hero’s Journal.

I first heard about the Hero’s Journal last year as the ads would pop up on my FaceBook news feed, I was honestly not really serious about purchasing my own journal at the time but thought it was a cool concept. As the holidays were approaching and I started my Christmas shopping my husband and I were discussing what to gift to a friend of ours who was struggling with mental health, as they are also big Dungeons and Dragons fan I immediately thought of this journal and my husband agreed it would be perfect.

Of course with the sales going on I could not help to pick one up for myself as well as a few other friends who I thought I would benefit from it. I also knew that I needed to start my own self-care journey this year like I have done in the past and knew the journal would be a tremendous asset to complete my quests.

I have so far written out every day since the beginning of the year with a main focus on the Journey and ensuring that I discover at least one thing a day that makes me happy in order to promote my own positive mindset. The journal has been such a blessing this year and I can’t wait to continue filling up even more journals.

So I was very excited when the folks at the Hero’s Journal announced a new journal that will focus on adding more magic to our lives and the new Kickstarter for this journal will launch today. So if you are interested please check out the link below.

The Hero’s Journal: Istoria Magic Academy

Check out the new journal! I feel like those of us who love fantasy and gaming would get so much use and enjoyment out of this journal. As you can all imagine this is the one thing that makes me very happy today.

So come join the adventure and be the Hero of your own story!

Featured image borrowed from the Hero’s Journal FaceBook page.