
What are Some of the Bucket List Places You Want to Visit in Your Lifetime?

Even though we still have a long way to go to finish paying off all of our Dragon Hordes it was nice to get one of the bigger ones out of the way.

I start to think about what the end goal of becoming debt-free will be, it will mean finally having peace of mind, possibly retiring early, remodeling our house to what we truly want, and maybe finally traveling to all those places we only ever dreamed of.

That last one is what I want to focus on for this blog. I am sure we all have a bucket list of places we want to visit, for a lot of us some of these will always seem like pipe dreams, and it did for us for a long time as well but now that we have made the decision to work on becoming debt-free I feel like we can finally start working on that Bucket list and maybe it won’t be a pipe dream after all.

Here are some of the places my husband and I want to visit and why:

  • United Kingdom – We have always loved history and being able to visit the UK and seeing all of its histories would be epic. Of course, there would be places we could also visit for example where Harry Potter was filmed.
  • Scotland – The history alone would be amazing but also seeing the beauty of the moors and also seeing places where the movie Highlander was filmed.
  • Japan – I have always been fascinated with anime and the culture, there is also a bunny island I would like to visit someday. Not to mention doing Tokyo Disney and Disney Seas.
  • Italy – So we can visit all of the Roman ruins as well as visit wineries and do a taste of Italy.
  • France – To visit all the historic sights and museums as well as eat all the French Baguettes I can get my hands on. Also Disney Paris.
  • New Zealand – I want to do a tour of places where Lord of the Rings was filmed.
  • Norway – Just to see the absolute beauty of this country and to visit Oslo, hopefully, we can visit during the time of year when we can see the Northern Lights.
  • Transatlantic Cruise to Europe – We just love being out to sea.
  • Greece – More specifically Santorini one of many possible locations for the lost city of Atlantis.
  • Disney – Pretty much all the parks not in the United States.

This is just a small list of the most obvious places we want to do but we also have a bucket list for things we would like to do but I will save that for another blog.

What places do you hope to visit someday? Have you been able to visit a place that was on your bucket list?