Mental Health

Don’t Obsess Over The Bone… Bury It.

Today was a bit eye-opening. My husband can attest to the fact that I can be a dog with a bone when I get an idea in my head. But this time I was letting the idea get the best of me. In other words, a part of me was getting a little too obsessed to the point that it was making me anxious and even making me sad because I ached for something so badly.

Now the idea, of which I am not going to mention, is not impossible and will happen sometime in the next few years but there is honestly no point in me looking into it or even planning for it yet because there is so much that still needs to get done before we even reach this point, more specifically being debt-free which is one of my biggest Quests for the next couple years.

This all goes back to my need to learn some patience, patience to take care of the debts, patience for the projects we want to do down the line, and patience for the things we want to do in the future.

For now, I plan on burying that bone so to speak until such a time that we are ready for it and instead work on some art projects and on stuff I can complete and work on now. There will be plenty of time for me to work on those bones later when we are ready.

Having a plan for the future is always prudent but it is also unrealistic to start researching and discussing things that we can’t even start working on for a least a few years, all I’m going to do is drive myself crazy wanting things now that I can’t have yet.