
The Quest to Enjoy When Good Decisions Work Out Right.

Today I feel happy for various reasons but most importantly because a somewhat tight budget has been alleviated. Also, something I’ve been waiting for has finally become available.

Originally we planned to go to Alaska to see the Northern lights for our 20th wedding anniversary but there was also another trip we wanted to do this year as well. After much discussion this morning we decided to leave the Northern Lights trip for another year and the other trip we wanted to make as our anniversary trip. The other trip is more affordable and alleviates the budget, but it is also something that was on our bucket list of places we wanted to visit.

The new trip will also be easier to plan which will be less stressful, now we can focus on how much fun we are going to have and celebrate the reason for the trip which will be our 20th wedding anniversary.

As for our Anniversary trip, I am so happy that we are going to New Orleans, not only are we saving on flights because it is within driving distance but we also get to enjoy it during one of my favorite times of year Halloween.

The other thing that made me happy today is silly but I’ve been waiting for TeeTurtle to release a bunny stuffy for so long and they finally did. I don’t know why this makes me happy but I feel like it’s my mood bunny. Next up I want them to make one that is happy and sad.

It seems like tiny things but these are things that will add up to happiness.