Mental Health

The Quest to Heal My Sword Arm…Again

Well, I seem to be back to square one on the whole learning my physical limits thing, in my defense my tennis elbow seemed to be healing, and then I went to occupational therapy which I thought would finish healing my arm but aggravated even more.

Went to the doctor and got a cortisone shot but this time it didn’t help. I’ve been trying not to do anything strenuous with my arm at all, I haven’t even been playing my video game all that much to minimize the amount of repetitive motion I’m doing.

So on top of what I’m already doing my doctor wants me to use my arm as little as possible and take prescription anti-inflammatories to deal with the tendon’s inflammation and allow it to heal. He’s also sending me to get an MRI in case there is something else going on.

So at the end of the day, it’s not about not knowing my limits it’s about having to become more physically limited to ensure my arm heals properly.

I’ve gone from being mindful of not carrying anything heavy to trying not to do anything with that arm at all. So I’m going to try to cut back on typing, will take a break from playing video games at least for a few weeks. No holding my phone with that arm while I thumb through Facebook.