
The Quest to Travel to a Space Station

One of the new memories we made on this trip was getting to experience the new Space 220 restaurant and lounge at Epcot.

Even though we did not have any reservations and we had already eaten we decided to at least try to get into the Lounge which did not require any reservations, on average the wait to get in is about an hour and a half and the line will close from time to time when they have to many people waiting.

But as we had no plans and we were really determined to experience it we waited. Thankfully we only had to wait about an hour for them to reopen the line and after we were in line we only had to wait an additional 20 minutes before we were seated.

Even though all we had were some drinks it was totally worth it in the end, not only were the drinks amazing and delicious but the ambiance of the restaurant was out of this world.

When you first walk in you are led to an elevator that supposedly shoots all the way up to a space station orbiting Earth. when you walk through the hallway you see a hydroponics tunnel and when you enter the restaurant your eyes are instantly drawn to the view of the Earth.

Even though we only had drinks the specialty cocktails created for this lounge were amazing. They honestly looked like they belong in a space movie bar. We sipped our drinks slowly while enjoying just being together and getting to experience something new. We even chatted with our server who genuinely seemed happy to be working in such a cool location.

Even if you cannot afford the bulk of the menu which in all honestly I’m glad we had already eaten, there are some small plates and drinks that may be reasonable. Go and experience the lounge even if you are not planning on a huge meal.