
The Quest to Weather the Winter Storm

After I spent the last couple of weeks keeping an eye out for the weather forecast in Ashville, NC I was resigned to the fact that snow was not in the cards for our annual Biltmore trip.

But then this morning we were alerted to a Winter Storm warning and it seems our prayers had been answered and we will be getting some snow early tomorrow morning. I don’t know how many inches and there are several different reports or even if it will stick to the ground but to be able to experience falling snow will make the trip so worth it.

As Floridians seeing snow is such a novelty and it really makes me happy that we will get to enjoy it even if it’s just a little bit of it.

The last time we got to experience snow was several years ago right here at the Biltmore Estate, we had arrived about a couple of days after a winter storm came through and even the snow was not freshly fallen when we arrived it was still coating almost everything and I even got to make a small snowman. It was so beautiful and it was amazing how all the snow completely disappeared after about three days.

We plan on getting up early tomorrow morning so we can experience the snowfall. Hopefully, we will be able to get some amazing pictures.