
The Quest to Say Goodbye to My Happy Christmas Tree for Another Year

Last night as we readied for bed I told my husband that we were having our coffee in the library the next morning and that we would not be going straight into the office.

The reason for this is I wanted to enjoy one last morning taking in the view of my Happy Christmas Tree before it was put away until next Christmas.

This year I put it up on November 1st and got to enjoy it for more than 2 months. Even though it does shed some of its flocking each year so far it has not been too noticeable. I did attempt to buy a replacement tree this year to have it for when all the flocking does come off only to find that even though it was the same brand and model it does not have anywhere near as much flocking as the tree I bought several years ago.

But there is still a silver lining, although it may require some effort on my part I should be able to replace any lost flocking on the tree myself as apparently, it’s not hard to do but maybe a bit time-consuming depending on which method is used.