Mental Health-

Being Creative

The Quest to Find Motivation and Time

I didn’t have time to do any art today but I still have a to-do list and ideas that I want to get out. It all comes down to having the time and the motivation, today I had the motivation but I didn’t have the time.

Another day I may have the time but not the motivation. It can be frustrating sometimes especially when I actually have a deadline coming up. At the end of the day, I need to make art for myself and not for anything else.

I know that even if I were to not make any new art in the next month I have enough inventory for my next show in February but I will make art because I want to, because I feel inspired and because I have ideas.

All my art is focused around space and the cosmos and I officially do call myself an Astroartist although I do dabble outside of that from time to time.