Mental Health

The Quest to Catch Up On Household Chores and Begin Spring Cleaning

I have not put away any of the clothes in weeks and with every new load of laundry, the amount of clean clothes that need to be put away just keeps getting bigger.

When you know you have to prioritize based on your energy levels things like putting away clothes does not make it to the top of the list, why is that? Because at the end of the day the world is not going to end because you have to dig through a pile of clean clothes in the morning.

Today I found myself with a little extra time due to some technical issues at work so in between trying to reboot my computer and talking to helpdesk personnel I went ahead and started putting away clothes, albeit little by little with breaks in between I managed to get everything put away.

I don’t tell myself that from now on I will stay on top of that, that is not realistic. I will try my best and if it gets away from me and starts piling up again that is ok because at the end of the day how much of a priority is it compared to other tasks?

I know a tidy home is a happy home and that is very true for most and I do make it a point to not have a messy home. I don’t leave piles of garbage throughout the house, I don’t have dirty clothes lying everywhere. Thanks to our mothers who live with us the dishes and pots in the kitchen are always clean and put away. Even the pile of clean cloths can always be found in the hamper and not just strewn around the room.

I do have a plan to declutter in the next few months which also includes organizing the entire house, purging items that are no longer needed, and doing a deep clean of our spaces. This will take time and energy and I will have my to-do list ready to go.

My plan is to make a to-do list by area of the house, break it down by what needs to be organized, cleaned, purged, or what maintenance is needed for that space. I’m even adding to the list a wish list of things I would like to remodel and possible work on items that can be done while others will go on a wish list.

It all comes down to time management and gauging energy levels, I will not set a deadline to get all of this completed but it will be at my own pace.