Mental Health

The Quest to Be Debt Free the Continuing Story

The side quest to be debt-free has begun, technically it began last year with some minor items being taken care of but the items that I was able to take care of in January carried some rather large monthly payments that make more of an impact on my financial plan.

This is when it really starts making a difference, by taking care of those larger payments opens up the budget and allows me to start tackling even bigger items.

The act of doing this makes me feel so happy, it makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something, It’s also the exciting anticipation about the next item to be tackled, it’s the feeling good about myself when my hubby is telling me I’m doing a great job. It makes me feel confident that I can get this done.

While last year I was only able to focus on this a little at the beginning of the year, this year I believe will be a lot more fruitful.