Mental Health-


The Quest to Not Get Frustrated With My Back

Well, I got up this morning and I could barely walk from the back pain, It took me almost an hour to get out of bed, brush my teeth, and get dressed. I thought I was feeling better yesterday but this morning was a bit rough and I am so grateful to my husband for helping me out and always watching out for me.

After a quick walk, by later in the morning, I can feel the back muscles starting to release a little bit. Dealing with the pain can be so frustrating when I have so many things I want to do and get done but after dealing with the morning I feel like I have no energy left.

Despite the back pain, I was able to finish off a few of the resin art pieces that needed some more polishing, and my focus the rest of the day is going to try to continue loosening up so I can feel better, I hate having back pain because it feels like every tiny little movement is going to make my back spasm.

I feel like I’m physically getting more sensitive to things, I feel like the slightest thing and I throw out my book or tear a tendon. It’s frustrating when I feel like I have to be more mindful of even the everyday things I do.

I’m just waiting for that moment when the pain goes away altogether but right now I feel it will never come.